What's the catch?
The only restriction is months July - December are locked out
so you can't enter the last half of the year unless you purchase
the actual "Farm Biz " Program. An incredible value
at $249.
(Please fill in the details and click on the "Download
Now!" button)
After completing this form you will be taken to the download area
with instructions for Downloading the Farm Biz Program or recieve
information on placing an order for the actual CD =$15.00 Shipping
"Easy as Quicken . . . but
better 'cause it's made for farmers and ranchers."
The Evaluation Demo program is the complete "Farm Biz" Entry
level Accounting program. Absolutely No Setup Required. Just install and
enter your records.
Use this program as long as you like. When you get acquainted
with the way it operates, we hope you will become a customer.
The complete demo program is 24 meg. On a 56K modem this can
take over to 2 hours to download "Farm Biz" freeware. You
need to have 70 meg free to install & operate "Farm Biz"
on your computer. A free Farm Biz Demo CD is available . Shipping &
handling charges are $15.
System Requirements
Pentium II with 16 Meg of Ram
Monitor 800 X 600 Resolution
Windows 95/98/ME/2000 Professional/XP Versions
CD Drive
Any Windows Compatible Printer
Hard Disk with 70 Meg Free Space |
Here is what you get:
- Checkbook balance on the screen as you key income & expense
- Chart of accounts already set up for farming & ranching. Just
click on the one you want.
- Two quantities on every transaction for pounds, bushel, head, etc.
plus the $ amount.
- The last date used is input for you. Click on the spinner or press
"Plus/Minus" to change the date.
- Each new check number increments by 1 from your last check number.
- Use vendors (payees with names & address) when you want. It's
- View and sort all your transactions by check #, date, vendor, or
dollar amount.
- Reconcile your entries to your bank statement by clicking on those
that are cleared.
- Customize the Standard Farm chart of accounts so you only see favorites
for your farm.
- Back up your data to removable media under program control..
- Restore your vital data from removable media under program control.
- Keep & access multiple farms for multiple years.
- Create a Cashflow plan. Prepare a Networth Statement.
- Close the year and roll over balances to the next year.
- Print checks with one click (Optional).
Print these Reports!
- Cash Flow Actual 12 months across (6 months for Demo) in columns
plus a total
- Cash Flow Plan 12 months across (6 months for Demo) in columns plus
a total
- Check Register in date order
- Employee Earnings by employee
- Enterprise Analysis for Crops & Livestock 12 mo. Across (6 mo.
for Demo) in columns plus a total
- General Vendor Activity Report for the year
- Money Borrowed Vendor Report with beginning & ending balances
- Monthly Transactions with Year To Date Totals (current months detail)
- Net Worth Statement for Beginning of the Year & Ending
- Other Business P&L for Custom Trucking, Roadside Stand, etc.
- Personal Summary Income & Expense (Non Farm & household)
- Profit & Loss Statement for the Farm
- Purchase Analysis 12 months across (6 months for Demo) shows prices
paid by unit (lbs, ton, gallons, CWT, etc)
- Sales Analysis 12 months across (6 months for Demo) shows amount
sold by unit. (head, bushel, lbs, CWT, etc)
- Tax Schedule F worksheet with projections to year end.
- Transaction Report by Item. Complete year or with Selections on
Enterprise, Vendor, dates, etc.
- Trial Balance prints all detail for a month in deposit and check
Sample Reports
The reports that are underlined can be viewed in your browser by clicking
on the report title.