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Incredible Savings on Glyphosate!
Name Your Price on XSAg.comSM to receive the lowest prices

Now is the time to purchase your fall burn down products on XSAg.com, as Glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp®) prices are at an all time low. So, cash in on the savings and purchase your fall burn down products today!

The best way to receive the lowest prices available on Glyphosate is to post a Name Your Price (NYP) auction. A NYP auction is a “reverse auction” where a buyer lists the product he wants at the price he wants to pay. The buyer can be specific on quantity, pack size and the product age. Sellers then come to XSAg.com to compete for the business. If a seller meets the price that is all the buyer pays, delivered to his door. Otherwise, sellers can choose to offer a higher price, but it’s the buyer’s choice to accept or reject that offer. The buyer does not have to accept any higher offer than he is willing to pay. Many buyers choose to list products at 10-20 percent off their local retail prices. NYPs are a no risk, easy way to save money—you have nothing to lose.

Below are some examples of recent closing prices of Name Your Price trades on the neutral XS exchange:

Glyphosate 4# w/surfactant 120 Gallons $19.75/gal
Glyphosate 4# w/surfactant 480 Gallons $19.00/gal
Glyphosate 4# w/surfactant 1200 Gallons $18.00/gal
Price may vary depending on quantity, location and pack size. Remember, these are delivered prices.

To register at XSAg.com and start saving today, click (or copy and paste this address into your browser) http://xsag.com/common/register.asp?WHA=22. If you would prefer to speak with someone personally about how XSAg.com can start saving you money, call us at toll-free 877-497-2436, option 2, and someone will be more than happy to help you get started.

XSAg.com is a service mark of XS, Inc.
RoundUp is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company.






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